
Welcome to PT Girls Lacrosse!

Here you'll find information, schedules and events for PT High School Girls Lacrosse and PT Youth Girls Lacrosse.

Both organizations are committed to a fun and supportive environment where girls can learn the sport, be part of a team and hone their skills.

Please use the links above to find specific information for each organization.

Register for the 2025 PT Girls Youth Lacrosse Season

Peters Township Girls Youth Lacrosse registration is OPEN for the 2024 season! Girls in 1st through 8th grades are eligible. We anticipate a higher-than-usual interest in joining our Club this year, so please register ASAP to ensure you get a spot. Registration is set to close on December 31, 2024, but may close earlier based on numbers and spots available.

PT Girls Santa Shop

Saturday, December 7th • 10:00am - 4:30pm at the Peters Rec Center
Our Santa Shop will have affordable gifts and treasures under $8, and all proceeds benefit the PT Girls Youth Lacrosse team! Your kids will enjoy picking out and wrapping gifts on their own, with the help of our players!

PT Girls Santa Shop

Saturday, December 7th • 10:00am - 4:30pm at the Peters Rec Center
Our Santa Shop will have affordable gifts and treasures under $8, and all proceeds benefit the PT Girls Youth Lacrosse team! Your kids will enjoy picking out and wrapping gifts on their own, with the help of our players!